It’s Been Too Long… New Music is On The Way!

Reagan // 0 Comments

Hello fellow Coastlander!

I just want to apologize for the great tragedy that is the recent drought of new Andromeda Coast music. 

I never thought, after I released Aphelion, that it would be nearly 5 years (waaaat?) before I released new music. 

So much has changed since then! 

For one, I now have a wife.

For two, I also have a baby. 


Why the drought?

I kept putting off releasing new music because I wasn't satisfied with what I was making.

Oh, I've probably written a couple hundred new songs since my last album, but I just haven't been able to arrive at anything I thought was "good enough". 

That being said, I've progressed so much since I released Aphelion.

But don't take my word for it. Check out this clip of a demo track off our upcoming album...

When I created that album, music was still just a new hobby for me, and I had NO CLUE what I was doing. 

Seriously, there was some very basic production techniques I didn't know...

And yet I released that album anyway. 

As I look back on it, I hear everything I did "wrong," and I cringe. 

But hey, music is art, and so in a sense, you can't really do it "wrong". 

That said, Aphelion is what turned music from a hobby into a vocation for me. I definitely have Levi Laubenthal, of NIGHT, to thank for that as well. 

It was working with him on Aphelion in his studio in southwest Columbus Ohio that opened my eyes to the reality that music is what I want to do--forever. 

However, that realization may also be partially to blame for why there hasn't been any new music.

I want the songs to sound the way they were meant to sound...

How I hear them in my head. 

To barrow Michelangelo's analogy...

It's like I "see" what the song is supposed to look like, but it's trapped in a blog of sonic marble, and I haven't been able to figure out how to get it out...

And for the past 5 years, that's been the case, and I've been learning and practicing, trying to get the music out of the marble...

But just haven't been able to get to sound the way I want it.   

Until Now...

I'm by no means where I want to be, but I do think now my sonic sculptures at least resemble the intention I have for them. 

On top of that, I now have a secret weapon I didn't have before...

My wife, Haley!

She has an absolutely beautiful voice, and I love it when songs have both male and female vocalists. 

She a stunning vocalist, and an even better person, and she has definitely helped advance Andromeda Coast leaps and bounds above where I could have taken it on my own. 

CLICK HERE to download the first song we worked on together

So yeah, needless to say, we're chomping at the bit to get you some new music, and we've a pretty good stockpile, just waiting to be polished and released!

But there are some obstacles...


Haley has Lyme disease, which makes singing very difficult, and can even cause her to pass out (if she is able to sing at all). 

And we have yet to add her vocals to the album we plan on releasing, so that could delay our release. 


We're only able to work on music on the side, as I still have a day job. 


We don't have have the funds to record, mix, and master our album at a professional studio, so we're having to do it all ourselves, from home. 

So we've been working on building a "home studio" of sorts, although it's more of a Macgyver-themed collection of used foam, rugs, towels, and carpet tubes than an actual studio. 

It's still a work in progress, and that is taking time away from finishing the songs. 


We want to do this right, and make the music as good as it can be giving our current lack of gear, resources, and my still developing producer skills, and that could take some time. 

We also want the music to reach the most amount of listeners as possible, and not just have it sit out on an isolated island out in the Bermuda Triangle of cyberspace. 

Ensuring people actually hear our music is also going to take some time and money. 

How You Can Help

If you'd like to help us get our new music finished, and released out into the world, we'd love the support!

One of the best things you can do is simply share our music with everyone you know! 

Or, if you'd really like, you can leave us a donation below. 

Or, if you'd rather keep our music to yourself, and you don't have the cash to spare (hey, we understand). 

We'd simply love to hear from you, and what you think about our music!

Feel free to leave a comment below, or shoot us an email.

Worst case, we hope to have a new album for you some time in early 2019, but we'll do our best to get some singles released before then!

We'll be keeping you updated on our progress, so if you don't want to miss anything, then sign up for our "Coastlander Dispatch", to learn when we've released new music, or discounts on music and merch. 

Hi, We're Andromeda Coast

Sign up for The Coastlander Codex to receive updates, and learn when we've released new music.

Thanks for reading!

I can't wait for you to hear some of our new music!

By the way, we're curious...what is your favorite Andromeda Coast song?

What is your favorite Andromeda Coast song?

Let us know in the comments below! And feel free to share if you'd like others to learn about Andromeda Coast. 

Adventure on!

Hi, I'm

Reagan Ramm

I'm one half of Andromeda Coast. I handle most of the writing and production of our songs as of now. I'm greatly inspired by the music of the 80s, Owl City, Space, and Sci-fi. You can probably hear a bit of that in our music.

When I'm not making music, I'm working full-time as a digital marketer, or having fun with my amazing wife Haley (the other half of Andromeda Coast), and our wonderful son Asher Phoenix (who's not yet 1).

About the Author

I'm one half of Andromeda Coast. I handle most of the writing and production of our songs as of now. I'm greatly inspired by the music of the 80s, Owl City, Space, and Sci-fi. You can probably hear a bit of that in our music. When I'm not making music, I'm working full-time on my audio business (, or having fun with my amazing wife Haley (the other half of Andromeda Coast), and our wonderful children Asher, Ember, and Halo.

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